[Slang] WHAT'S THE CATCH? - Unlock the Secrets of English Slang for Smarter Conversations

What's the catch?

What's the catch?

/wʌts ðə kætʃ/

Hidden drawback.

What's the catch?" is a skeptical question that people ask when something seems too good to be true. This phrase is used to inquire about the hidden drawbacks or conditions that might not be immediately apparent. It's particularly useful in negotiations or discussions where offers and deals are being made, helping you appear more insightful and cautious in your dealings.

Example Sentences

  1. This deal seems too good. What’s the catch?

    The person is suspicious about the deal being overly favorable, wondering if there is a hidden disadvantage or condition.

  2. Free coffee? What's the catch?

    Questioning if there is a hidden condition behind the offering of free coffee, indicating suspicion.

  3. He’s offering to help out of the blue; what’s the catch?

    The sudden offer of help makes the person question if there are hidden motives or conditions.

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