Barking up the wrong tree.
/ˈbɑːrkɪŋ ʌp ðə rɒŋ triː/
Barking up the wrong tree.
/ˈbɑːrkɪŋ ʌp ðə rɒŋ triː/
成语“Barking up the wrong tree”源自狩猎,当狗误以为猎物在某棵树上而大声吠叫时,实际上猎物可能在别处。现用于形容一个人完全误解了问题的方向或对象,是对误解或错误判断的一种形象描述。
You're barking up the wrong tree; he wasn't even there.
If you think I stole your book, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Accusing her of lying? You are definitely barking up the wrong tree.