Level the playing field.
Level the playing field.
「Level the playing field」呢個成語原意係指喺競賽或者競爭中令到各方面嘅條件相同,從而令到競爭公平。喺香港,呢種情況好多時都會用喺商業環境,比如話當一間公司得到特殊待遇或者補助,政府可能會介入,確保所有公司都有平等嘅競爭機會。或者,喺教育政策上,確保所有學生,不論背景如何,都有接受相同教育質素嘅機會。透達理解「Level the playing field」,大家可以更加關注公平性嘅重要性,積極尋求平衡,提升社會整體嘅和諧同發展。
We need to level the playing field by offering scholarships to underprivileged students.
This policy aims to level the playing field for small businesses.
Leveling the playing field ensures fairness and equal opportunities for everyone involved.