Up a creek without a paddle.
Up a creek without a paddle.
「Up a creek without a paddle」呢個成語形容一個人處於困難之中而無法自拔。喺香港,當人地發現自己喺某種情況下左右為難,好似喺無盡的困境中掙扎,就可以用呢個成語來表達。學習呢個成語係非常實用,因為它讓我們了解到喺人生或事業的某些階段,我哋可能會需要求助或尋求創新的解決方案,來逃離這種「無槳的小船」困境。
We were up a creek without a paddle when we lost the map in the woods.
Their car broke down in the desert, leaving them up a creek without a paddle.
If the project leader quits now, the whole team will be up a creek without a paddle.