Fight tooth and nail.
/faɪt tuːθ ænd neɪl/
Fight tooth and nail.
/faɪt tuːθ ænd neɪl/
「Fight tooth and nail」係一個好形象嘅成語,喺香港廣東話中會用來形容「不惜一切代價進行抗爭或爭鬥」。想像一下,如果一個人用佢所有嘅牙齒同指甲去戰鬥,就可以理解呢個成語嘅強烈意味。通常,呢個表達用於描述極度的努力同決心去爭取某樣東西或對抗困難情況。例如,喺商業競爭激烈嘅時候,公司之間可能會「Fight tooth and nail」來獲得市場領先地位。或者,喺運動比賽,運動員也會展示出「Fight tooth and nail」嘅精神,無論遇到咩困難都不放棄,極力爭取勝利。喺個人生活中,面對困難嘅時候,例如疾病或個人危機,人們也可能需要「Fight tooth and nail」來克服這些挑戰。透過理解呢個成語,我哋可以學習到,無論遇到咩情況,展示出堅定嘅意志同不屈不撓嘅態度係多麼重要。最終,「Fight tooth and nail」唔只係一句俗語,而係一種生活態度,提醒我哋在面對難題時要有決心同毅力。
She fought tooth and nail to keep her job.
They will fight tooth and nail for their rights.
In the negotiation, he fought tooth and nail to get a better deal, ensuring no detail was overlooked.