Drop the hammer.
Drop the hammer.
英語中的「Drop the hammer」有如正義之錘落下,意指嚴肅地處理某事或做出重大決定。想像一下,法官在法庭上用小錘宣布裁決,這分量和決斷力,正正是這個成語的寫照。在日常生活中,當你聽到有人說要「Drop the hammer」,基本上是表示對某人或某事給予豐厚的懲罰或艱苦的處理。例如,如果在工作中員工犯了重錯,老板可能就會對他「Drop the hammer」,即是嚴肅地處理這件事。這成語用來形容非常嚴格和果斷的行動,給人一種不容置疑和迅速解決問題的感覺。
The judge decided to drop the hammer on the corrupt politician with a severe sentence.
When the team failed to meet their sales target again, the manager had to drop the hammer and enforce stricter policies.
After repeated warnings, the coach dropped the hammer and benched him for the next game due to his lack of effort in training.