Have an axe to grind.
Have an axe to grind.
喺香渓社會中,如果某人行事時有過分個人嘅目的或者私心,我哋好可能會用「有心機」來形容佢。而喺英文裡面「Have an axe to grind」就是指某人做事有私人目的,可能唔完全是出於公心。通常,當一個人如果有私下的目的或者想從某事中獲得私人利益,他就會利用這個機會去推動自己嘅計劃。例如喺工作場所,如果一位員工推動一個計畫,但實際目的係為咗升職,而非公司嘅整體利益,其他同事就可能覺得佢「有心機」。所以,我哋應該時刻警覺,理解身邊人嘅真實動機,從而更好嘅在職場或人際關系中做出判斷。
He has an axe to grind with the manager since he was passed over for promotion.
She’s always had an axe to grind with that organization.
They seem to have an axe to grind when it comes to discussing our policy changes.