[Idiom] HIT PAY DIRT. - Unlocking Success: Discovering Valuable Opportunities

Hit pay dirt.

Hit pay dirt.

Strike it rich.

When someone "hits pay dirt," they discover something of great value after a period of effort or searching. The phrase originally comes from mining, when workers would find valuable minerals after digging through less valuable soil. Metaphorically, it means finding success or wealth in one’s endeavors, often unexpectedly.

Example Sentences

  1. They hit pay dirt with their new app.

    They were very successful with their new app.

  2. In her research, she finally hit pay rise when she discovered an unknown manuscript.

    While doing her research, she found something extremely valuable.

  3. After years of struggling, the small mining company hit pay dirt with a vein of gold.

    After many difficulties, the mining company finally discovered a valuable gold reserve.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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