[Idiom] BLAZE A TRAIL. - Strategies for Innovation and Leadership in Your Field

Blaze a trail.

Blaze a trail.

Pioneer or innovate.

Blaze a trail" means to do something innovative that others will follow, often creating a path for others where none existed before. This idiom is frequently used in the context of pioneers, innovators, or leaders who explore new areas, ideas, or activities, paving the way for others to follow their lead.

Example Sentences

  1. She's blazing a trail in her industry. (ʃiz ˈbleɪzɪŋ ə ˈtreɪl ɪn hɜr ˈɪndəstri.)

    She's leading pioneering efforts in her field.

  2. Mia decided to blaze a trail by using innovative materials in her designs. (ˈmiə dɪˈsaɪdɪd tu ˈbleɪz ə ˈtreɪl baɪ ˈjuzɪŋ ˌɪnəˈveɪʃənəl məˈtɪriəlz ɪn hɜr dɪˈzaɪnz.)

    Mia chose to innovate by incorporating new materials in her designs.

  3. Her approach to digital marketing was to blaze a trail, setting new trends rather than following. (hɜr əˈproʊtʃ tu ˈdɪdʒɪtəl ˈmɑrkɪtɪŋ wəz tu ˈbleɪz ə ˈtreɪl, ˈsɛtɪŋ nʲu trɛndz ˈræðər ðæn ˈfɑloʊɪŋ.)

    Her strategy in digital marketing was to innovate and create new trends instead of following the existing ones.

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