Break new ground.
Innovate or pioneer.
The phrase "Break new ground" is used to describe the act of pioneering or introducing new ideas and innovations. It often involves departing from traditional methods or venturing into unexplored areas to achieve something previously undone. Think of a scientist discovering a new element or an artist experimenting with a new style; both are breaking new ground in their fields. This idiom inspires us to think outside the box and redefine boundaries.
Example Sentences
He's always looking to break new ground. (hiz ˈɔlˌweɪz ˈlʊkɪŋ tu breɪk nʲu ˈɡraʊnd.)
He's always seeking to innovate.
Their team broke new ground with a unique solution to data analysis. (ðɛər tim broʊk nʲu ˈɡraʊnd wɪð ə juˈnik səˈluʃən tu ˈdeɪtə əˈnæləsɪs.)
Their team developed a unique approach to data analysis.
In his research, Jacob broke new ground by discovering a new way to approach genetic modification. (ɪn ɪz rɪˈsɜrtʃ, ˈʤeɪkəb broʊs nʲu ˈɡraʊnd ˈbaɪ ˌdɪskʌˈvɪrɪŋ ə nʲu ˈweɪ tu əˈproʊʧ ˈdʒɛnətɪk ˌmɑdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən.)
Jacob made a groundbreaking discovery in genetic modification.