[Idiom] QUIT WHILE YOU'RE AHEAD. - Learning When to Stop Can Be Your Best Strategy

Quit while you're ahead.

Quit while you're ahead.

Stop while winning.

Quit while you're ahead" is a pragmatic reminder often used in contexts where someone is currently successful or in a favorable position. It implies that it's wise to stop an activity while things are still going well to avoid a potential future downturn or loss. This saying is popular in gambling, investing, and business negotiations where continuing could lead to diminishing returns or losses despite initial success.

Example Sentences

  1. Time to quit while you're ahead.

    It's time to stop while you're still in a favorable position.

  2. I told him to quit while he's ahead in the game.

    I advised him to stop playing the game while he was still winning.

  3. By deciding to retire early, he quit while he was ahead, avoiding potential future losses.

    By deciding to retire early, he avoided potential future losses.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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