[Idiom] IN A PICKLE. - Overcome Difficult Situations: Discover Helpful Idioms

In a pickle.

In a pickle.

In a difficult situation.

In a pickle" refers to finding oneself in a tricky or complicated situation. Imagine vegetables being stuck in a jar of pickling brine; similarly, when you're "in a pickle," you are caught in a mess or a predicament that is hard to get out of without help or creative thinking.

Example Sentences

  1. We're in a pickle now, aren't we?

    The speaker acknowledges they are in a difficult situation.

  2. He found himself in a pickle when he lost his keys.

    He was in a troublesome situation when he lost his keys.

  3. Trying to fix the car alone, I realized I was in a real pickle with no tools.

    Realizing he had no tools, the speaker knew he was in a difficult situation trying to fix the car alone.

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