[Idiom] KICK THE CAN DOWN THE ROAD. - Learn How to Talk About Postponing in English

Kick the can down the road.

Kick the can down the road.

/kɪk ðə kæn daʊn ðə roʊd/

Postpone dealing with something.

Kick the can down the road" is a phrase used to describe the action of postponing a decision or avoiding dealing with a problem immediately. It suggests a temporary solution that might make the situation worse in the future.

Example Sentences

  1. The government just keeps kicking the can down the road on climate change.

    The government is continually postponing decisive action on environmental issues.

  2. We can't kick the can down the road any longer; it's time to act.

    Delaying action is no longer viable; immediate measures need to be taken.

  3. This habit of kicking the can down the road has only worsened our financial problems.

    This pattern of postponing problem-solving has exacerbated our financial issues.

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