[Idiom] SPIN WHEELS. - Explore the Futility of Unproductive Efforts

Spin wheels.

Spin wheels.

/spɪn wiːlz/

Waste time achieving nothing.

If you’re told you're "spinning your wheels," it suggests that despite your efforts, you’re not making any tangible progress—much like a car whose wheels are spinning in mud but it remains stuck. It’s a metaphor for futile activity.

Example Sentences

  1. I've been trying to solve this issue all day, but I feel like I'm just spinning wheels.

    It captures the frustration of exerting effort all day on a problem with no productive outcome, feeling stuck in the same place.

  2. He spins his wheels every time he tries to write his novel.

    This describes repeated unsuccessful attempts at progressing in a creative task, suggesting a lack of advancement despite ongoing effort.

  3. Tom has been spinning his wheels on that project; despite the effort, there’s been little progress.

    His continuous effort on a project without noticeable results illustrates a lack of efficiency and progress, despite significant time investment.

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