Draw a blank.
Forget or fail to recall.
If you "Draw a blank," it does not involve drawing at all; rather, it refers to the situation where you forget something or fail to recall it momentarily. Imagine the mind as a blackboard that's wiped clean unexpectedly, and that’s exactly how it feels—one can't retrieve a memory or a piece of information when it matters the most. It's a common human experience, reminding us that sometimes our memory needs a little jogging!
Example Sentences
I drew a blank when they asked about my previous job. (aɪ dru ə blæŋk wɛn ðe ˈæskt əˈbaʊt maɪ ˈpriviəs ʤʌb.)
I couldn't remember any details about my previous job when asked.
During the interview, he drew a blank on a question that he knew well. (ˈdjʊrɪŋ ðə ˈɪntərvju, hi dru ə blæŋk ɑn ə ˈkwɛsʧən ðæt hi nʲu wɛl.)
During the interview, he couldn't recall an answer to a familiar question.
When asked to recall the details, she drew a blank, much to her frustration. (wɛn ˈæskt tu rɪˈkɔl ðə ˈditelz, ʃi dru ə blæŋk, mʌʧ tu hɜr frʌˈstreɪʃən.)
She couldn't remember the details when asked, causing her frustration.