[Idiom] TAKE FOR GRANTED. - Why We Often Overlook Our Biggest Blessings

Take for granted.

Take for granted.

/teɪk fɔːr ˈɡræn.tɪd/

To undervalue something.

To "take for granted" means to underestimate the value of something by assuming it will always be available without appreciating it. It’s like having electricity; most people only realize how essential it is when a power outage occurs. In relationships, this idiom might illustrate how individuals might not appreciate their partner's efforts until they are absent or withdrawn. Understanding this phrase helps highlight the importance of appreciation in maintaining healthy interactions in daily life.

Example Sentences

  1. He always takes my help for granted.

    He expects my help without appreciating or acknowledging its value.

  2. You shouldn't take your health for granted.

    One should always appreciate and take care of their health, not ignoring its importance.

  3. She took for granted that she would win the scholarship, but was surprised when she didn't.

    She assumed she would be awarded the scholarship without considering other possible outcomes, leading to unexpected disappointment.

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