Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Consequences match the life one leads.
Live by the sword, die by the sword" is a powerful proverb implying that one's actions often determine their fate. It suggests that those who choose to engage in aggressive or risky behaviors will face consequences in the same manner. This idiom serves as a warning that the tools or methods one chooses to live by can eventually be the cause of their downfall.
Example Sentences
He lived by the sword and, inevitably, died by the sword.
He lived a violent life and inevitably died a violent death.
The dictator’s reign was marked by violence; he lived by the sword, and ultimately, he died by the sword.
The dictator's reign was marked by violence, and he eventually met a violent end.
In the world of organized crime, many believe that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword, as retaliation is always around the corner.
In the world of organized crime, many believe that a violent lifestyle will inevitably lead to a violent end.