Toss hat into the ring.
/tɒs hæt ˈɪn.tuː ðə rɪŋ/
Toss hat into the ring.
/tɒs hæt ˈɪn.tuː ðə rɪŋ/
習語「Toss hat into the ring」源於拳擊比賽,當一個人想參加比賽時,會將帽子扔進拳擊場以示意願。現在, 它廣泛用來表示某人決定參與競爭或接受挑戰的決心。在職場上,這可能意命著接受一個新項目,或爭取一個領導位置;在政治中, 則可能表示某人決定參選公職。這個成語強調了主動出擊和勇於接受挑戰的態度。它提醒我們,當機會來臨時,應當大膽表示自己的參與意願,即使面對的是巨大的挑戰或激烈的競爭。有時候,這種勇敢的行動本身就足以讓你脫穎而出,贏得他人的尊重與信任。無論是在個人還是專業生活中,學會「投帽」不僅是表明意向,更是一種向世界展示自己準備好迎接任何挑戰的方式。
Tom finally decided to toss his hat into the ring and run for office.
With her experience, she felt it was time to toss her hat into the ring and apply for the leadership position.
After much consideration, he tossed his hat into the ring and decided to compete in the national competition.