Bark up the wrong tree.
/bɑːrk ʌp ðə rɒŋ triː/
Bark up the wrong tree.
/bɑːrk ʌp ðə rɒŋ triː/
「Bark up the wrong tree」這個成語用來形容一個人的努力或指控是錯誤地指向了不相關的人或事。這常見於誤會或誤解的情況,如調查時對錯誤的線索進行追蹤。例如,如果警方調查一宗罪案時錯誤地懷疑了一個無辜的人,就可以說他們「bark up the wrong tree」。這個成語提醒我們在解決問題時,要確保我們的方法和方向是正確的,以免浪费時間和資源。
You're barking up the wrong tree by blaming me.
He was barking up the wrong tree when he accused his neighbor.
She spent hours arguing with customer service, but she was barking up the wrong tree.