Look the other way.
Look the other way.
「Look the other way」常用來描述某人故意忽略不正當或不合法的行為,選擇不去正視或處理問題。這個表達形象地描繪出一個人面對不應該發生的情形時,選擇轉過臉去,不看也不管。在日常生活中,這倒可以是對待小問題的一種手段,但在嚴重情況下則可能引發較大的問題。
The security guard looked the other way while the theft occurred.
During the audit, some discrepancies were ignored; it seemed like the accountant just looked the other way.
在審計期間,一些差異被忽略了; 看起來會計師只是睜一隻眼閉一隻眼。
When the manager noticed a minor mistake on the report, he chose to look the other way since the overall performance was stellar.