Ruffle feathers.
Ruffle feathers.
「Ruffle feathers」這個習語通常用於描述某人的行為或言論惹怒了他人,導致不悅或衝突。想像一下,當你輕輕地拂過鳥的羽毛,它可能會驚慌失措,甚至生氣,這正是這個習語的畫面來源。在日常生活中,如果你無意中說了些什麼,可能會「惹怒」你的同事或朋友,就如同是在無意間「搞亂他們的義毛」一樣。
I didn't mean to ruffle feathers by changing the meeting time.
At the family reunion, his controversial statements really ruffled feathers, causing a bit of an uproar among the relatives.
When she criticized the new policy during the board meeting, it ruffled feathers, but sparked an important dialogue about the company's direction.