[Idiom] NAIL COLORS TO THE MAST. - Learn to Stand Firm and Show True Colors

Nail colors to the mast.

Nail colors to the mast.

/neɪl ˈkʌlərz tuː ðə mæst/

Show one's commitment or beliefs openly.

Historically, "Nail colors to the mast" refers to a practice during naval warfare where a ship's colors, or flag, were nailed to the mast to indicate they would not surrender. Today, it symbolizes unwavering commitment to a cause or openly displaying one's beliefs, no matter the opposition.

Example Sentences

  1. He nailed his colors to the mast by openly supporting the controversial policy.

    meaning of the sample sentence 1: He openly expressed his support for a controversial policy, showing his commitment to it.

  2. During the debate, she nailed her colors to the mast and defended her position strongly.

    meaning of the sample sentence 2: She boldly defended her stance during the debate, showing firm commitment to her beliefs.

  3. By wearing that badge, he’s nailing his colors to the mast and showing his true beliefs.

    meaning of the sample sentence 3: By wearing that badge, he is openly showing his support and beliefs.

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