[Idiom] NOT BAT AN EYE. - Learn How to Stay Cool Under Pressure with Popular Idioms

Not bat an eye.

Not bat an eye.

Show no reaction.

When someone does not bat an eye, it means they show absolutely no emotional or physical reaction to something surprising or shocking. It's as if their eyelids don’t even flutter, displaying a remarkably cool demeanor. This idiom can be used to describe someone who remains unfazed in the face of chaos or unexpected news, maintaining their composure perfectly.

Example Sentences

  1. She didn’t bat an eye when the prices went up.

    She wasn't bothered when the prices increased.

  2. Even when the actor flubbed his lines, she didn't bat an eye and continued with her performance.

    Even when the actor made a mistake, she remained calm and continued performing.

  3. Despite the chaos around her during the emergency drill, she didn't bat an eye and followed the procedures accurately.

    Despite the chaos during the drill, she stayed calm and followed the procedures exactly.

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