Don't cut off nose to spite face.
Do not act out of spite or anger in a way that will cause self-harm.
Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" is used to describe situations where someone may be so angry or desperate to get back at others that they end up hurting themselves in the process. It underscores the importance of not letting revenge or anger lead to self-destructive behavior.
Example Sentences
Cutting off your nose to spite your face won't solve the problem.
Taking drastic actions out of spite won't solve the underlying problem.
He refused all help just to prove a point, truly cutting off his nose to spite his face.
He refused help just to prove a point, which hurt him more than it helped.
In anger, she quit her job abruptly, which was like cutting off her nose to spite her face since she had no other job lined up.
Quitting her job in anger was a harmful decision to herself.