Go over with a fine-tooth comb.
/ɡoʊ ˈoʊvər wɪð ə faɪn-tuθ kəʊm/
Go over with a fine-tooth comb.
/ɡoʊ ˈoʊvər wɪð ə faɪn-tuθ kəʊm/
「Go over with a fine-tooth comb」嘅意思係「細心檢查」,好似用一把細齒梳嚟梳頭髮,一絲不苟。喺生活中,我哋經常需要用這種態度去處理某啲重要文件或者項目,保證一切細節都被檢視到,無任何疏漏。例如,喺執法或者會計職位中,專業人士就需要「Go over with a fine-tooth comb」嚟確保所有數據都正確無誤。故事中,有一個商人在簽署重要合約前,非常謹慎,他用了「Go over with a fine-tooth comb」嘅方法去逐字逐句檢查條款,結果發現了幾條可能對自己不利嘅條款,及時進行了修改。這種做法不僅減少了日後可能出現嘅問題,也展示了對事業嘅責任感。總之,當面對重要決定時,記得要細心咁「Go over with a fine-tooth comb」,保障自己嘅利益唔受損害。
The editor went over the manuscript with a fine-tooth comb.
Make sure to go over your essay with a fine-tooth comb before submitting.
She meticulously went over the contract with a fine-tooth comb, ensuring every detail was perfect.