Cut the mustard.
/kʌt ðə ˈmʌstərd/
Cut the mustard.
/kʌt ðə ˈmʌstərd/
成語「Cut the mustard」源自於老式嘅說法,指嘅係某個人或者事物達到了期望嘅標準或者展現出足夠嘅能力。想象一下,芥末原本就需要特定嘅研磨過程來發揮其味道,如果某樣調味料無法達到想要嘅效果,它就被視為不合格。同樣地,喺日常生活或工作中,當我哋講某人「cut the mustard」時,意味住佢成功咁達到了某些要求或完成了挑戰。呢個成語常被用來評估員工嘅表現,或者判斷某項計劃是否符合既定嘅目標。由於呢個成語著重於結果嘅達成,佢可以激勵人們追求卓越同不斷提升自己嘅能力。不論係學術、職業抑或是個人發展,「cut the mustard」都提醒我哋要不斷努力,以符合高標準嘅期望。
John really needs to cut the mustard if he wants to keep his job.
John 真係需要表現好啲,如果想保住工作。
She can’t cut the mustard in sales; she’s only made two deals this month.
When it comes to management, being able to cut the mustard is crucial, or you'll find your team lagging behind.