[Idiom] WON'T HOLD BREATH. - Discover How to Express Anticipation with Caution!

Won't hold breath.

Won't hold breath.

/woʊnt hoʊld brɛθ/

Expect something to take a long time or not happen at all.

The expression "won't hold my breath" is used when someone wants to indicate skepticism about the likelihood or timeliness of an upcoming event. If you believe something is unlikely to happen soon—or at all—you might say you "won't hold your breath." It's like telling someone not to pause their life or put off other plans while waiting for this particular event because it might take a while, or it might never come to pass at all. This idiom perfectly encapsulates a sense of pragmatic realism mixed with a touch of disappointment.

Example Sentences

  1. I won't hold my breath waiting for him to apologize; it might never happen.

    You doubt he will apologize, so you're not eagerly expecting it.

  2. Don't hold your breath for a quick solution; this might take a while.

    Expecting a fast resolution could lead to disappointment, so patient anticipation is necessary.

  3. She said she'd fix the problem by tomorrow, but I won't hold my breath.

    You're skeptical about her promise to resolve the issue quickly.

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