Whistle in the dark.
「Whistle in the dark」這個成語來自於一個人喺黑暗中吹口哨來安慰自己,面對恐懼,例如夜晚行走喺陰森嘅森林。喺港式表達中,我哋可以將呢個成語比喻為喺困難或不確定嘅情況下,試圖維持樂觀或自我安慰。透過用香港粵語理解呢個情況,可以幫助人哋認識到,即使係喺似乎無助嘅時候,都可以通過正面嘅自我對話來增強自己嘅勇氣同決心。
Tim tried to whistle in the dark as he walked home alone.
Tim 喺黑暗中行返屋企時嘗試用口哨來壯膽。
Jessica always whistles in the dark trying to keep her fears at bay when the lights go out suddenly.
Jessica 每次燈突然熄咗都會用口哨來克服恐懼。
Every time Robert hears a strange noise in his house at night, he whistles in the dark to reassure himself that nothing is wrong.
Robert 夜晚一聽到奇怪嘅聲音就會用口哨來安慰自己冇嘢發生。