Run the show.
「Run the show」意味著某人在某個情況或活動中掌握主導權,負責做出決策和指揮他人。如同一位導演在戲劇中指揮演員和舞台工作人員一樣,這位行動的掌控者確保一切按計劃進行。例如,如果你在工作中「掌握全局」,你就是那個做決定和確保項目順利進行的人。
He loves to run the show at every event we host.
As project manager, Marissa really ran the show, coordinating every detail from start to finish.
作為專案經理,Marissa 從頭到尾都在掌控一切,協調每個細節。
Even though it was a group project, Jake always tried to run the show, making all the decisions without consulting his teammates.
儘管這是一個小組專案,Jake 總是試圖掌控一切,做出所有決定而不諮詢他的隊友。