Run the show.
Run the show"意味着控制或管理一切活动的进行。想象一场表演,如果没有导演在幕后指挥,整个表演可能会陷入混乱。在工作环境中,掌握这个成语可以帮助职场人士理解如何有效地领导团队,确保各项任务顺利进行。
He loves to run the show at every event we host.
As project manager, Marissa really ran the show, coordinating every detail from start to finish.
作为项目经理,Marissa 真的是掌控全局,从头到尾协调每一个细节。
Even though it was a group project, Jake always tried to run the show, making all the decisions without consulting his teammates.
尽管这是一个团队项目,Jake 总是试图独揽大权,做所有决定而不与团队成员商量。