[Idiom] THAT'S THE LAST STRAW. - Discover How to Handle Frustration Like a Pro

That's the last straw.

That's the last straw.

/ðæts ðə læst strɔː/

The final problem in a series of problems.

That's the last straw" refers to a situation where one final incident, often minor on its own, causes someone to lose their patience or decide they can no longer tolerate a series of negative events. It originates from an older phrase, "the last straw that breaks the camel's back," illustrating how a seemingly small addition can lead to a sudden collapse under cumulative burden. Understanding this idiom can help in recognizing personal limits and expressing breaking points effectively.

Example Sentences

  1. He spilled coffee on my papers. That's the last straw.

    That's the last straw.

  2. I can't tolerate his mistakes anymore; that's the last straw.

    The person is frustrated because spilling coffee on the papers was the final, intolerable action.

  3. After arriving late and ruining the presentation, that's the last straw, and I'm going to complain.

    The person is fed up with someone's recurring mistakes and has reached their limit.

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