Leave high and dry.
/liv haɪ ænd draɪ/
Leave high and dry.
/liv haɪ ænd draɪ/
「Leave high and dry」係一個常用來形容某人或某物處於遺棄或無助狀態嘅諺語。這句話源自航海,指船隻在退潮時被困在岸上,無法返回海中。喺現代用法中,「leave high and dry」指某人在急需幫助時卻被拋棄,無人可求助,係一種極度無助同孤立嘅感覺。比如,一個員工如果因為缺乏支援而無法完成任務,就可以用「leave high and dry」來形容佢嘅狀況。或者當一個人在一段關係中被突然拋棄,感到孤立無援時,都可以用這個諺語來描述。這種情況要求我哋認識到,喺人際互動和專業環境中,支援同合作係非常重要。透過故事或個案學習如何處理被「leave high and dry」嘅經歷,可以讓我哋更加了解如何在他人或我哋自己遇到困難時提供幫助。
The sudden cancellation of the project left her high and dry.
Without notice, his resignation left the team high and dry.
Being stranded without a car, she was left high and dry miles away from home.